Looking for the highest revenue, the best CPM, and fastest paying loads Nationwide? Then you've chosen the right company!
We search and search again utilizing our extensive network of shippers and receivers, Brokers, Freight Agents, and the industry's highest rated Load Boards.
We make sure you get paid on time, working closely with the industry's best Brokers and Freight Agents. We also help you navigate the process of factoring, ensuring you get paid ASAP!
We've got your back on the road, you're never alone out there, we work tirelessly 24×7, 365!
Please explore the website and feel free to contact us by phone, email, or through our Contact Us page. Please jump over a page to learn more about us and then, if you'd like, choose a service package that's right for you.
Call us today, we'll get your wheels turning, so you can start earning!
Wieland Logistics
Phone: (415) 209-4319
Fax: (417) 799-2452
Email Us: info@wielandlogistics.com